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Promote the regulations for managing and assisting the environmental engineering firm

The execution period of this project was from March to December 2010. The main tasks included: (1) Study the environmental engineering firm ,operation and future trend of environmental professional engineering office and (environmental) technical consulting firms in Taiwan and abroad, (2) Study and analyze the development of the environmental engineering firm over the next ten years and plan relevant supporting measures, (3) Evaluate the inclusion of regulations and guidelines for managing and assisting the environmental engineering firm, as well as relevant supporting measures,and (4) Organize seminars to discuss the inclusion of regulations and guidelines for managing and assisting the environmental engineering firm. According to the analysis of domestic and foreign data carried out in this project, there were two core businesses of Taiwan’s environmental engineering firm—water and wastewater treatment and air pollution prevention. Its main sources of clients were the domestic governmental and public-owned business sectors, followed by private businesses in Taiwan, with relatively fewer foreign clients. The environmental engineering firm in Taiwan significantly lags behind the United States, Japan and Germany in terms of the number of companies as well as each company’s capital scale and revenue, and most foreign companies already have considerable market shares overseas. Through analyzing existing management systems in Taiwan, collecting examples of management mechanisms overseas, interviewing industry associations, and hosting six discussion meetings and three seminars, this project proposed a total of three suggested measures for improvement and three solutions for management and assistant .The suggested solutions included implement current laws and regulations, add a mid-section environmental engineering construction management mechanism to the current environmental protection laws, and amend laws regulating the management of the environmental engineering industry and revise the categories of companies in the construction industry designated in the Construction Industry Act. In addition, follow the three major principles of “Complete relevant laws and regulations and strengthen the management of the environmental engineering firm,” ”Improve the operating environment for the environmental engineering firm and strengthen marketing tactics” and “Fortify the environmental engineering firm itself to improve its competitiveness” were proposed,as well as the short-, medium- and long-term supplementary measures when planning the future development of the environmental engineering firm. By doing the above, we expect can effectuate the professional division of labor and improve construction quality in order to achieve the goal of environmental protection.
environmental engineering firm;Environmental professional engineering office;(environmental) technical consulting firm;guidelines for managing and assisting regulations